

ECO-INVESTMENT is a private investment holding company with a central seat in Prague. This company has a transparent property structure and market reputation. It was established in 1996 and it exists successfully more than 20 years in the market. It makes investments primarily in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Portfolio of ECO-INVESTMENT, a.s. includes investments in paper, packaging, food, energy, real estate and services. The senior team management is capable of performing complex transactions and assemble experienced management who can successfully manage business after the acquisition. ECO-INVESTMENT, a.s. prefers to invest in mature businesses with conservative but steady earnings on dividends.


Social responsibility

Management of ECO-INVESTMENT, a.s. in accordance with Act No. 418/2011 Coll. on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, as amended, in the interest of the Company and its employees, announces the following Compliance Program.



náměstí Republiky 1037/3
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
phone: 00 420 – 2 22 550 150
e-mail: info@eco-invest.cz
contact for media: komunikacia@ecoinvest.sk